​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
​6 weeks - 12 months - Teddy Bears
Our youngest children are cared for in our Teddy Bear room where our dedicated and caring staff will help both you and your baby settle into Nursery life. Your child will have an assigned keyworker who will take care of their every need throughout the day. Your child's keyworker will encourage them to learn and explore through a wide range of stimulating activities and conversation using brighly coloured toys and natural sensory materials.
Your baby will have their own diary, which will go home each night this will contain information about their day i.e. details of sleep, bottles, meals/snacks, nappy changes, fun, games and cuddles which your baby has enjoyed. The diary can also be used by parents to write down any information they may wish to relay to staff.
Staff are always available to chat to you about your child's day, or about their overall progress and development. Please don't hesitate at any time to discuss any concerns or needs you may have.
Clyde Nursery practice reflects the Scottish Executive 'Birth to Three' ethos focusing on the three aspects Relationships, Respect and Responsive Care.
12 months - 24 months - Bouncing Bunnies
Babies move into our Bouncing Bunnies after their first birthday and have began to toddle around independently, your child's keyworker will chat to you when they feel the time is right to move rooms.
Like our Teddy Bears our Bouncing Bunnies have a Diary where many more 'firsts' will be recorded in the year ahead. We help your child to grow in all areas of development with little hands encouraged to glue, bake, build sand castles and paint, often with anything that comes to hand. They will be encouraged to learn to be more independent at snack, mealtimes and messy play and they will enjoy singing and music as part of their daily routine along with stories and rhymes all of which will help your child develop language skills whilst having lots of fun.
Your child's own personality will be starting to develop at this age and they will be gently guided in the social skills needed to play, care and share with others.
2-3yrs (approx) - Pussy Cats
In Pussy Cats children are encouraged to develop independence skills, choose what they want to play with and to share and play with the other children. In addition children spend time in smaller groups with their keyworker who, through carefully planned activities, makes sure that each child has the opportunity to talk, listen, think and build on their communication skills and confidence.
Each month the children will explore a different theme and will be introduced to and become familiar with different shapes and colours for each theme that they explore. Role play through dress up adds to the fun alongside arts and crafts activities, sand and water play and outside physical play all of which complement and add to the talents being developed in the playroom.
3yrs - 5yrs (Anti/Pre-School) Butterflies and Busy Bees
Clyde Nursery is in partnership with Argyll & Bute Council to offer commissioned early years education and childcare places to all children in their ante-pre-school and pre-school year. The children will now begin to be stimulated and challenged by the pre-school programme specifically geared to meet the individual needs of our 'Butterflies' and 'Busy Bees'.
The anti-pre-school and pre-school programme works towards developing the four capacities outlined in a 'Curriculum for Excellence' to enable our children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. The children will actively learn through play - both social and purposeful. Our experienced and qualified staff will guide your child's learning through the use of 'themes and topics' to ensure their all-round development in the five curriculum areas specified by Scottish office. These are as follows:
Communication and Language
Physical Development and Movement
Emotional, Personal and Social Movement
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Expressive and Aesthetic Experiences