Healthy Eating
Clyde Nursery Ltd acknowledges good nutrition in the early years is vital and children’s early experiences of food, is an important part in shaping later eating habits. We are committed to offering children healthy and nutritionally balanced foods which meet individual needs, requirements and encourage the development of good eating habits. Snack and meal times should be a happy, social occasion for staff and children alike and staff are encouraged to sit with the children at mealtimes, encouraging them to eat the food provided from home and share snack provided by Nursery.
The 3-5-year children are involved in planning weekly food menus to learn about healthy eating. The menus consisting of healthy and nutritious foods and reflecting cultural diversity and variation can be found below in order that parents/carers can see in advance what their child will be offered and enable parents/carers to plan other food in the day accordingly.
Prior to a child starting in Nursery please advise of any possible reactions to the 14 food allergens (Cereals containing gluten, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, crustaceans, peanuts, other nuts, celery, mustard, sesame, lupin beans or sulphites).
Parents/Carers are responsible for informing the Nursery, in writing, of any special diet or food allergy their child may have. These will be recorded, and all staff will be responsible for making themselves aware of and have knowledge of children’s special diets or reported allergies. Children will not be offered food or drink that they have been recorded as being allergic to. Allergy lists are updated on a monthly basis and as required. Staff will show sensitivity in providing for special diets and allergies. Staff will not use a child’s special diet or allergy in a negative way or make a child feel singled out because of their diet or allergy.
The Nursery is a ‘Nut Free Zone’ and food containing nuts (this includes chocolate spread, whole nuts and pesto) should not be brought into Nursery.
Parents/carers are encouraged to provide fresh, healthy food for packed lunch as opposed to processed foods, sweets and chocolates. Argyll & Bute have provided us with Packed Lunch Guidance, which can be viewed here.
We would encourage you not to provide your child with treats in their packed lunch as they are usually high in sugar and salt
We would also like to ask that you provide a freezer pack in your child’s lunch bag to keep their lunch cool and safe as we have limited fridge space.
The Nursery may provide sweet foods as an exception for special celebrations. When a child has a birthday, cakes provided by parents/carers can be brought into the Nursery for the children to share, these will be checked to make sure that there is no child allergic to any of the ingredients.
Children will also sample foods normally eaten in other countries around the world as appropriate to themes and the celebration of multicultural festivals. Cultural differences in eating habits will be respected.
Staff will ensure that:
Children attending before 8.30am will be offered a breakfast.
A light, nutritious mid-morning snack will be offered between 9.45-10.45am.
A substantial, healthy afternoon snack will be offered at 3.15pm.
Parents will be informed on a daily basis to let them know what their child has eaten and make them aware of any difficulties. For children aged 0-2 years the Nursery will provide daily written records of feeding routines. For children aged 2-5, the Nursery will provide verbal feedback on the food consumed by the child during the Nursery day.
A copy of the Nutritional Guidelines will be available in the Nursery. These will be utilised by Nursery Kitchen Auxiliary staff who will meet regularly with management to devise menu’s, adhering to NHS Health Scotland’s ‘Setting the Table’ – Nutritional Guidance and Food Standards for Early Years Childcare Providers in Scotland. The menu choices will be reviewed at the beginning of each new term involving both 3-5-year-old children and parents to ensure choices are appropriate to the time of year and include seasonal produce.