Breakfast, Lunch, Morning Snack and Afternoon Tea
The Nursery is a ‘Nut Free Zone’ and food containing nuts (this includes chocolate spread) should not be brought into Nursery.

Children attending before 8.30am will be offered a breakfast.
Morning Snack &
Afternoon Tea
A light, nutritious mid-morning snack will be offered between 9.45-10.45am.
A substantial, healthy afternoon snack will be offered at 3.15pm.
Our Snack and Afternoon Tea menu can be found here
Parents will be informed, on a daily basis, as to what their child has eaten and make them aware of any difficulties. For children aged 0-2 years the Nursery will provide daily written records of feeding routines. For children aged 2-5, the Nursery will provide verbal feedback on the food consumed by the child during the Nursery day.

3-5 Lunches & Menu
Argyll & Bute Council supply, free of charge, lunches for all 3-5 children who are in receipt of Early Years Funding. At Clyde Nursery this is all of our children in our Butterflies and Busy Bees (Top Room). Lunches are provided during school term time, dates of which can be found on the Argyll & Bute Council website.
Lunches at Clyde Nursery are provided from the kitchens at Lomond School and we ask parents to let us know by Wednesday if their child will be taking a lunch for the following week. It is important that Clyde Nursery is kept up to date with all allergies to ensure that your child receives a suitable lunch.
The children are encouraged to sit together around tables with tables mats, cutlery,
plates and bowls. Water is provided at all meals.
Our current menu can be viewed here
Please find the list of which week we are on here

Packed Lunches

We are a nut free nursery, this does include Pesto. If you are providing a nut free pesto or chocolate spread could you please label the food advising us of this.
Parents/carers are encouraged to provide fresh, healthy food for packed lunch as opposed to processed foods, sweets and chocolates. Argyll & Bute have provided us with Packed Lunch Guidance, which can be viewed here.
We would encourage you not to provide your child with treats in their packed lunch as they are usually high in sugar and salt.
We would also like to ask that you provide a freezer pack in your child’s lunch bag to keep their lunch cool and safe as we have limited fridge space.
The Nursery may provide sweet foods as an exception for special celebrations. When a child has a birthday, cakes provided by parents/carers can be brought into the Nursery for the children to share, these will be checked to make sure that there aren't any children allergic to any of the ingredients.