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Our songs & books of the month

Songs of the month


Autumn leaves are falling down

Down by the station

Hickory dickory dock

Dingle dangle scarecrow

Old Jo badger



Books of the month



The tale of Peter Rabbit

Car, car, truck, jeep

The scarecrows wedding

Happy Kids Huddle

What we will be learning

​This month we will be working hard on our fine and gross motor skills. We will be collecting leaves as they start to fall and chatting lots about colours and shapes of the leaves.


Our older children will have lots of discussions about the shapes and textures of different tyre tracks.


Throughout the nursery we will continue to build on our team work, promoting sharing and turn taking through games.

Girl with Autumn Leaf

Some of our activities


As we start to look towards Autumn, we will have some wonderful Autumnal themed activities.


Painting trees, printing with autumnal fruit and veg, and stick & leaf painting.


Some of our older children will be exploring transport, making traffic pictures, and role playing in airports and train stations.


Our pre-schoolers will be continuing their theme of All About Me, creating self-portraits, and chatting about house shapes, sizes and numbers.

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